Spread the word!
Full 11x17 Color Print
8.5 x 11 Handout Color Prints
8.5 x 11 Handout B&W Prints
We are asking for sponsors for the show,
Personal or Business not related to Arcade selling sponsorship
TO BE PREPAID: to paypal haag@arcadecenter.com
Two weekend passes
One special edition T-Shirts - T-Shirts made for sponsors only, none for sale at the show.
Four beer tickets
One tournament entry
Name listed on web site and sponsor poster at door.
Sponsors can have one "for sale" game and are asked to bring as many "not for sale" games as they want(no extra charge)
Extra T-Shirts $15 each sold to sponsors only
For Retail Arcade or pinball sellers:
TO BE PREPAID: to paypal haag@arcadecenter.com
Vendor Sponsor:
Same as above but can bring up to five "for sale" games $150.00 Up to ten "for sale" games $250.00
Please email expo@arcadecenter.com for more info!
Flyer comming soon!
HAAG 2006 Arcade EXPO!!!!!!
Buy, Sell, Trade, Play, Explore!
Fun for the Whole Family!
Spread the word!!!!
Flyers to download and print!
Expo 2006 info
Email me at expo@arcadecenter.com with what you are bringing.
Load-in instructions
If you are going to bring a game, load-in is between 9 am and 5 pm Friday
Your game needs to be there (even if you sell it) until the end of the show.
Load out is Either End of Show Saturday Night (Depending on how may people are left we will stay open until 2am)
or you can load out on Sunday starting about noon until Noon.
Each game you bring for free play and not for sale gets you a free pass for the weekend!
If you are bringing a game to sell there will be a charge for the weekend for each game.
Bring a game for sale= $25.00 each
You can bring games to sell, but they must be on free play and everyone must be able to play them
Money will be collected before the show!!!
Games must stay until load out times unless there is an emergency
You can bring parts to sell, there will be some tables
Hosted & main Sponsor Trinicom Communications