Ta-Da! |
 Cindy and her friend chilling at Brewski's the cool Holiday Inn Bar! |
 The Fitz crew on the Guantlet Action! |
 Jermey, Andy & Amos! |
 John's Wife Keeping the Tourney goin' |
 Credit it up! |
 Ahh, Jermey checks out the Quake Arcade Tournement Edtion Prototype! |
 Ooooooo Yeah! |
 I see Colors... |
 Setting the mood |
 Night Shot |
 John taking care of the buisness |
 Door Prizes! |
 EM Land uncovered |
 This was very cool game! I am glad Dan brought it |
 I and going to get a wedge head for the game room soon, these are too cool |
 Th Fitz Bros Saying Hola! |
 Woooaahhh Dude... like where am I? |
 the sexy men of pinball :) |
 Callan & Bro selling! |
 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! We sold out the Bar! |
 The Pinball Groupie, She has been touring the shows this year. |
 I have been following Dwayne, The video rock star. |
 Hey Hey Hey! |
 LOL, lets get the game on! |
 Man Dan tears up the pinball so much he smokes the machines! |