Wait, I need one of these in my bathroom! |
 see honey, this is how my brain looks |
 the Great Paula and the Trophies of DOOM!!! |
 yes there was a line to get to play the Tardus! |
 some heated 2600 action! |
 aww honey look what I won! |
 I am the Green Lantern! |
 Dad & Son outing! |
 Joe is going to play some Tetris! |
 Big Bruno and his Peanuts tie! |
 Hmm I can color it and add it to my origional art collection! exclaims manchimp42 |
 I am going to kick your #^$@^#$ Vader! |
 hell yeah we going get our warlords on tonight! |
 heheh I sunk your battle ship! |
 I AM the Batman! |
 warm and fuzzyness |
 Marcus getting his EM game on |
 Callan relaxin' after a har daze work |
 John and I crackin up with Callzilla |
 Anyone seen Cal? yeah he is on the couch |
 I betcha I can ride the smoke bubble machine like a horse! |
 see, come over little filly |
 Gitty Up! |
 YEEEE HAAAWWWW ride 'em cowboy! |
 STOP Do not even look at this rebel training machine... |
 Hmm lets see if we can gain some sercrets |
 Hey you, rebel scum don't you even look at me |
 gonna get some high speed on |
 Hey rebel scum, move over I want to kill some aliens |
 You do not want to play this machine, "I do not want to play this macine", move on to the next one, "I will move on to the next one" |
 Yeah I wanted to play Dr Dude! thats right... errr I think |
 Jason and family try to get a quick game in before the Storm Troopers show up |
 BUSTED!, down to the detention center with you rebel! |
 hey, get your camera out of here before I drag you down to |
 the wizard knows... |
 Chirs getting hus butt kicked by an 8 yer old |
 Oops! Wrong planet, quick Rose get us out of here! |
 Callan explaining how to fix a monitor |
 So, what is the distance from the flex capacitor to the jefries tube? |
 one nanometer :) |
 Dang Ghosts, all ways get me.... |
 ahh they are blue now! take that damn rebal ghosts!!! |
 the truck of doom! |
 An out of focus Dad of Keith approves! |
 Champ is written all over her face! |
 Jon is Glowing in Awesomeness! |
 Matt's trophy is posessed with the red light of the pinball gods |
 My Awesomeness has blurred your camera |