2009 Expo SponsorShip List!

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Green = Paid Sponser
Stern Pinball, inc - All kinds of goodies for the show!
Chris Munno - Big ass table o' pinball parts that you need!
Cindy Arceneaux - Collectibles by the ton!, gotta have that Tom selic poster ;)
white Mountain energy - the Power of Change!
Lone Star Pinball Association- PInball Parts for the People!
Michelle Costa - Collectibles and More for your game room and more!
Vendor Sponsorships
Joystix Classic Games - Charles Kalas - charles@ev1.net - 1 - 10 games Joystixarama!
Business Sponsorships
Poison Girl Cocktail Bar -Scott Walcott - scottbutt@earthlink.net - 1 ** !!! Best Damn Drinks & Pinballs in town!!!
Chris Brooks armis@pcdochouston.com - 1 - ** !!! PCDOC ROCKS in 2007!!!
Groovin' Audio & Visual, Home Theater specialists- they put the power in your hands! dputsch@comcast.net
ONICON! - Philip Kinney - **!! Awesome!!
AtariAge, Albert Yarusso 1 - ** !!! in this age ATARI STILL RULEZ!!!
www.trinicom.com – Keith Christensen – – 1 ** !!! if I can do it anyone can!
www.ccmortgage.com - John Arceneaux -jarceneaux@ccmortgage.com -1 ** !!!! John is the LA Connection!
3rd Dimension Graphics - Karl Kuhlenschmidt -kuhlenschmidt@sbcglobal.net -1 ***! Karl is the 3d Graphic game room master!
Pinball Rebel - Ken - ***! With a Pinball Rebel Yeall Ken cried more more more!
Pinpoint Electronics - Tim - tmaleck@austin.rr.com
Bedrock City Comics - Michael Steenbergen - manchimp@bedrockcity.com - 1 BED ROCK ROCKS!!
FAUKERconsulting - Paula Vedder - FAUKERconsulting@aol.com -2 ** Yet!!!Scott & Paula Vedder & Pinball ROCKS!!!
entertainmentpins-Ruben Zepeda Jr - entertainmentpins@sbcglobal.net
Personal Sponsorships
Louis Marx - **!! Rigth on the Mark!!
Mike Cousins III - mikecousins1@yahoo.com - 1 ** Red Rice & Pinballs & BEERS!!!!!
John Pennington - **!! We Love you guys!!
Scott Walcott - **!! Way to go Walcott!
Jonathan Christian - **!! Pinball been very very good to me!
Richard Powell - rdpowell2084@gmail.com - 2 ** Richard is da MAN #1 Sponsor!!
Kevin Plaivech - jammagames@hotmail.com -1 *** ! Jamma Good time!!
Jonathan Christian - 1 - ** Pinball Master Jon!!!!!
Gary Rogers - 1 -emailgsr@yahoo.com ** Garry is GREAT!!!!!
Sam bianchino - sbianchino@houston.rr.com - 1 SAM Da Man!!!!
Robert Layne - 1 - go rob!
Mason Scholl -1-
Deanna Longo
Jeannine Flores
Kenneth Graham
Matthew Buchholz
Daryl McCloskey- darylm@houston.rr.com - 1
Weekend pass pre-pay’s
Lynnette Orrick 1 weekend 1 single
Chad Wilpitz 1 single
Nan Gomez 1 single
Rob whiteberg 1 single day passes
Craig Hassell 1 single weekend pass
chad wilpitz 1 single day pass
Nan Gomez 4 single dayz
Linda van Zuilekom 3 single dayz
Christopher Wolf 2 weekend + Shirts
Marc Davis 1 weekend
chad wilpitz 1 single day
Russell Nunnelee 3 weekend
Vintage Pachinko, LLC 2 weekend
sean buchanan 1 weekend
Marcus Trevino 1 weekend
Glen Childs 1 weekend
Royce Trotter 2 weekend
Jon Rascoe 1 weekend
Galen R Bancroft 3 single Day
Chris Brooks - armis@pcdochouston.com
Richard Powell - rdpowell2084@gmail.com