Disney & Tron Legacy All the Promo door prizes you can shake a stick at
Stern Pinball, inc - All kinds of goodies for the show!
Twin Galaxies - Coolio Posters & Hot Sauce!!
Rottendog Amusements - Pinball Replacement Board Raffle!!
Player One Video Game Store - Houston's biggest classic console selection!!!
Manufacture Sponsorships
Illinois Pinball - Gene Cunningham will have parts, Play Fields (8 Ball, Addams Family, Fun House,DH, Kiss, NBA, etc..), and Back Glasses galore!!
Check Exhibitors for full list!
Vendor Sponsorships
Joystix Classic Games - Charles Kalas - charles@ev1.net - 1 - 10 games Joystixarama!
Elevation Games - Marc Oradat from Granbury, TX will be bringing refurbished and working pinballs for sale.
Business Sponsorships
3rd Dimension Graphics Karl Kuhlenschmidt- Karl you rock!
AtariAge, Albert Yarusso 1 - ** !!! in this age ATARI STILL RULEZ!!!
Bedrock City Comics - Michael Steenbergen - manchimp@bedrockcity.com - 1 BED ROCK ROCKS!!
Doc's Pinball's You guys keep pinball alive
Chris Brooks armis@pcdochouston.com - 1 - ** !!! PCDOC ROCKS in 2010!!!
KimBall's PinBall's Kim Keist of KimBall's PinBall's
www.AtariFootball.com Robert Meaux of AtariFootball.com
Poison Girl Cocktail Bar -Scott Walcott - scottbutt@earthlink.net - 1 ** !!! Best Damn Drinks & Pinballs in town!!!
www.mirageswimmingpools.com - Rick Kuykendall- rick_k74@yahoo.com- Best Dang Pool Builder in Texas!
COSTA - ARCADE REPAIR Fast, Honest & Fair Pinball and Arcade Repair
Pinpoint Electronics - Tim - tmaleck@austin.rr.com
FAUKERconsulting - Paula Vedder - FAUKERconsulting@aol.com -2 ** Yet!!!Scott & Paula Vedder ROCKS!!!
Trinicom Communications – Keith Christensen – –
www.ccmortgage.com - John Arceneaux -jarceneaux@ccmortgage.com -1
Pinball Rebel - Ken - ***paid! With a Pinball Rebel Yeall Ken cried more more more!
Pinballz Arcade 13,000 sq feet of Pinball Heaven in Austin Texas!!!!
Green Mountain energy - the Power of Change!
Premier Amusements - Robert Layne -Congrats on 10 years!!
Crosby Pinball Repair! - Timothy.Solomon
Personal Sponsorships
Richard Powell - 2 - Sponserships! Woah! you rock the block
Gary Rogers - 1 -emailgsr@yahoo.com ** Garry is GREAT!!!!!
Robert Meaux - thank kind dr!
John Pennington - **!! We Love you guys!!
Lee Bentley -Lee the Great!
Michael Cousins - Cousins is in the house wd de bourbon!
Mason Scholl - Play that pinball like it should!
Alex Costa - Go Alex Go!
Chris Kennedy - Hail to the King baby!
cheyne pace - Keep up the pace!
Michelle Sanchez - GOOOO Michelle!
Chris Brooks - armis@pcdochouston.com
Richard Powell - rdpowell2084@gmail.com